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Welcome to the Columbus Technical College Library: Library Orientation

Library Orientation courses are designed to provide students with an introduction to the CTC Library program, physical and electronic collections, and to the resources available. 

Students will learn how to search the online catalog, start a research project, identify scholarly sources, refine search results to full-text availability, publication date and sub-topics. Orientations must be scheduled in advance and will last around one hour. 

Librarians can teach classes within the Library or in the instructor's classroom (if equipped with a computer and projector/display). Orientations can also be taught virtually using collaboration software such as TEAMS, Web-X, and through Blackboard. Orientations are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Instructors can reserve a spot on the Library Orientation calendar by contacting one of the CTC Instructional Librarians or by emailing us at for more information.