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Adult Education: Home

This guide contains a selection of the resources available to Adult Education students at Columbus Technical College.

Mission of Adult Education at CTC

The mission of the Adult Education program at Columbus Technical College is to equip students to obtain the GED®, or other high school equivalency credential, gain suitable employment, and/or enter into postsecondary education. Services provided include free high school equivalency prep classes and English Language Learning.

For more information about the Adult Education program select the option below:

Adult Education at Columbus Technical College

Purpose of this guide

Adult education students are encouraged to use the Columbus Technical College Library spaces, computers and resources while on campus. This guide was created to help adult education students learn about and use library resources. It aims to provide a brief overview of resources from the physical library and online through the library's virtual branch. The contents of this guide include helpful links, databases and videos. Students may select from the blue tabs above to learn more about using GALILEO, EBSCO Learning Express, Mometrix, A to Z Databases and Films on Demand.