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Adult Education: GALILEO

This guide contains a selection of the resources available to Adult Education students at Columbus Technical College.


GALILEO is Georgia's Virtual Library.  GALILEO provides access to more than 200 informational databases and indexes thousands of ebooks, periodicals and scholarly journals. GALILEO also provides access to encyclopedias, business directories and government publications.

As a Columbus Technical College Adult Education student, you have access to GALILEO through the Columbus Technical College Library while on campus.

Accessing GALILEO

On-Campus Users will automatically be logged in to GALILEO from the library's home page. To access the library's home page use any search engine and search for Columbus Technical College Library or use the following web address: 

From the home page, type your search term into the GALILEO search tab. CTC library staff will help you with searching GALILEO. For help ask at the Circulation Desk.