From Sentences to Essays by Mara CogniCall Number: online
ISBN: 9781622735853
Publication Date: 2019-07-01
Writing is a daunting activity not only for language learners; it is, in fact, challenging for everyone who wants to communicate their thoughts persuasively and accurately. When students engage in speaking activities, they communicate extraordinarily interesting ideas and thoughts. However, when asked to write these ideas down into coherent texts, they seem helpless. This book is intended to help students tackle their writing challenges by proposing a different approach to writing. It incorporates grammar, vocabulary, literature, and writing into a simultaneous and coherent whole, presided by reflective thinking. There is hardly any doubt that writing and reading are related activities, and that both rely on creating meaning. When we read, as well as when we write, we find ourselves in the process of becoming. We change our knowledge and understanding along the way. In truth, today more than ever learning a language needs to be perceived as a deeply meaningful process. This book is meant to make that possible by rendering learning both enjoyable and meaningful.